Monday, February 16, 2009

Here goes... for 13th Feb 2009

Yo!!! Haha.. I promised to blog again soon didn't I? So ya, here goes...

First of all though, the clock is turned back to only about 4 days ago, 'cause things that have happened those days need some standing space in my blog.

Friday, 13th Feb 2009 was the last day of my FYPJ, also the last day of school for me. Amazing huh, walking around school certainly felt different that day. For starters, my lab mates came out with the idea of ordering pizza to lock our memories together forever. We invited our supervisors and guess what, to our embarrassment, there wasn't enough FOOOOOD!! Not to mention that the pizza was late! Okay, to be honest, he was on time, we ordered late...

Anyway, these things do happen, and at least there was still food! Blame Mr Cheong for counting the pizzas, but I appreciate his help in taking the first few slices of pizza! It made us feel loads better... come to think of it, Mr Wagio too, or was it he was too hungry to care?..hmmm...err, for pics of the celebration, please take a look at Penny's blog, it houses all the pics since it was her camera. The music she added when coupled with the pics, can make one sob no end. I have already soaked a whole towel! (it has nothing to do with me "sleeping" in most of the photos!)...I really miss everyone....

Well, you guys see the change in colour here? It marks the next chapter... Shin Yi's and my b'day celebration!! It was on the same day. We went to the porridge steamboat at AMK. For $15 per pax, it wasn't that bad... thing was we didn't see a single grain in the supposed porridge pot! Haha, we were told to stir it constantly but it didn't seem to work. There was a slight burning smell though...

However, the most important thing was I had all my friends there with me that day! These are people I have known through the phase of my entire poly life! Friends I knew since Year 1(Chen Sheng, Shin Yi, Xiao Wei, Ken, Jing Rong...), Year 3(Penny, Clarence, Clayton, Zheng Jie, Zijian...).......sobs..

One wonders when we will do this again... oh crap..the water tap came loose again... keke...on brighter notes...the presents!!

The above from Chen Sheng, Penny, Xiao Wei, Clarence, Ken, Jing Rong

The above from Clayton, Zheng Jie, Zijian

I really really love the presents guys...and every single one of you too!! Thank you all for the fun time we had that night, for being my friend all this time, for everything else... We must find time to have more dinners and gatherings!! I am fervently hoping for the chalet we never seem to be able to plan......

Here's to the beginning of a new chapter for all of us, CHEERS!

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