Monday, June 11, 2007 "1st"...

Ha...This aint my 1st blog and i know it...I just remembered i created this a long time ago and never used it...

Seriously, i am just gonna keep this blog simple...with a dark background and colourful words...cos i always express myself with various emotions (anger being my most common one, unfortunately...) so i shall allow the colours to do the work...

Well, this days have been pretty bad for me. On one hand, i am worried about whether my projects are gonna be completed in time, and on the other, i just wanna have fun to enjoy this school break. However, these are mundane and surface worries. Perhaps the things that hurt me most are my family problems and the fact that my hubby is starting work soon.

My family have always been the same, full of squabbles and fights...and actually i dunno if things are better now or worse. Current status, i aint talking to my bro and don't really intend to for at least another week.. He always has a knack to make me really pissed for a reason..Situation with my mum is not going well either, i just can't stand her forever nagging and the way she thinks she knows everything when she really don't.'s not like i don't care for her..i just want to be left alone. Dad wise, he's a tough nut to crack. I can still talk to him..and we are close...but it does come with a price..remember i used to be so scared of him till that fateful day when i was in Primary 4. (actually..i still am..)

My hubby is gonna work in his Dad's place le..haha..actually i m kind of happy for him..cos he was so worried last few weeks..that he won't be able to find a job.. I know he's happy on one hand and sad on the other..same goes for me..Cos we won't be able to meet up often as he needs to work 6-day hurts me too...but perhaps this is a good thing..that he needs to learn to "grow up" and i'll be catching up soon...!! Haha..time being i just want to continue being a teenager..and just worry about my projects..but i can tell he wants me to grow up faster..Rite?? Hmmm...ya...i said i won't think of marriage till i m 25 and i really mean it...geez...i'll be posting more on this tomorrow cos i suddenly don't feel like elaborating...i just want to sleep with either no dreams or sweet dreams (lately, i have been getting bad dreams and i want them to go away...pls...)

Ya...I intend to lose weight..hopefully by the time i get back to school..seriously..i really want to feel more confident...and i want those clothes(gss still on..)...!!!

Hope God can hear my pleas...

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