Sunday, May 24, 2009

Okie, it's official!!

Hahaha...What's official? The fact that my dad's not attending my graduation ceremony! Okay, I'll write about that later on.

I'm kinda going bonkers right now.

Anyway, my mum's problems has found its way to me again! Just spent a full hour trying to figure out what the hell is wrong between her and my dad. I have done this like a million times? When are they ever gonna quit this senseless disagreements? NEVER! He came home from the shop with a semi-black face(not literally of course!), muttering something about "A lot of people every sunday...". I could actually smell the foul stench of trouble brewing already!

He only complained a little, and all I got was the gist of it. The matter took a bad turn only when my mum came home. He started his nonsense, and that got my mum to start ranting. Unfortunately for me, I got full blast since he decided to make coffee and then retire to bed early. Hell, he just woke up from a nap! And what was my brother doing? Reading in bed!

Seriously, MEN!

Arghhh...Like I said it took me about an hour to figure out what was bothering her, and the conclusion I drew? She's thinking way too much and too far. She is worrying too much about everything.'s so easy to read her, since I inherited that stubborn, think way too much into everything trait from her myself!

And at this point I just feel like starting to laugh out loud. My parents are so comical when they bicker. No wonder I grew up too fast! Ahhh, nevermind, at least this matter still has some chances of being resolved in a diplomatic way. I'll probably be hearing ranting from my dad tomorrow. Pity me.

Okay, back to the graduation thing. Amazingly, the queue in line for my invitation disappeared since two of three who wanted it has declined already.

Oh yeah, just awhile ago, when I learnt that friends have so many relatives going to root for them, I kinda felt pretty depressed. I was in half a mind not to go for the ceremony already. But since the gown has been rented, and clothes bought, I thought I'll just go and enjoy myself! I'll just find someone reliable to get a picture of me wearing the gown on stage!! I could consider framing it then? Besides, I'll be able to find my lecturers after the ceremony and have a proper chat without worrying about my dad being there.

It's just way too childish for me to be upset about no one attending a mundane thing like my graduation. Somehow, this is the way things are in my family and I have long learnt never to let small matters like that affect me too much. So that's that...

And finally... HAHAHA :)

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