Saturday, May 16, 2009

Another ordinary post...

Haha, silly title and silly me. Been feeling utterly useless and bored lately. Weeks seem to be flying pass superly fast and yet, I have had nothing much to do. My routine everyday? Monday-Thursday are normally "sleep at 4am, wake at 12pm or later" days. The occasional messages and calls I receive will wake me earlier, but I usually just go back to sleep feeling irritated after that. Fridays will find me waking slightly earlier as I usually have to work.

So what do I do between my waking time and the next sleeping time? By 3pm, you'll see me sitting in front of my computer, sandwich in hand and coffee on the table, watching the latest dramas that has caught my attention, or simply using Facebook. Then comes dinner, either takeouts or self made.

At least my weekends are better, I get to dress up and go out. Like today. Managed to catch the show "Angels and Demons". Tom Hanks is truly suitable for his once again role of Professor Robert Langdon. I can't think of another actor who could play him. Having read the book only once and about 2 years ago, my muddled mind failed to recall the full story and was still pleasantly shocked at some scenes. Also starring in the show was Ewan McGregor, whom I had admired in "The Island" and "Moulin Rouge"(I feel like listening to Come What May all of a sudden). All in all it was a really good show, and no, it did not make me feel any anger whatsoever. It's just a show, and the book was amazingly written, so that's that.

I'm now awaiting Transformers 2(damn long wait), Terminator and Night at the Museum 2. So many shows to catch and so little time. Amazingly, I am not that into the Harry Potter movies anymore. I have not touched the last two books and don't feel like it anymore. Seems like J.K Rowling made the last two books way too uninteresting. Okay, that review was way overdue, it doesn't make sense anyway.

28th May is graduation, and somehow knowing I'll be stepping into NYP for the last time make me feel weird. Those 3 years of memories will be etched in my mind forever. And speaking of which, I am thinking of holding my dad at knife point, he haven't seem to have decided if he wants to come. Ben has suggested "acting like I am going to break his fishing rods" to make him answer. Haha...they cost at least $1000 each, don't think I can take the risk.

Alright, I'll stop right now, since there's a program I wanna catch on cable on now...


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