Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wow, I am so surprised. Those that have been stalking my blog seems to have disappeared. It's so amazing there aren't much comments going around here. Well, perhaps I should just stop blogging, then there would be comments. Haha.. alright, this is just something I would like to add to the post below regarding my "failed" job hunt.

Just a note to whoever is reading, the post below was not meant to discredit the company in any way. In fact, I kind of admire the company's marketing and advertising strategy. For your info, that company is not a scam. It is a legal company with an altogether different approach to sales. That was one reason I did not post any company names nor address.

Furthermore, I believe there are people out there who does appreciate the way things work in the company, so they must have done something right. I only wrote that long entry to caution my pals that however attractive an ad seems to be, do ask and clarify any doubts before wasting time for an interview. Doing a through research beforehand is a good practice too, and if you feel doubtful or sense something wrong, do remind yourself constantly not to be forced or brainwashed into anything you might regret, and get out of it before it gets worse.

I have successfully canceled my interviews with them, and currently praying for God to remain by my side to guide me along.


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