Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A job interview, or two...or not...

Hi guys, hehe...two entries in two days is alot for me, and seems like only one person managed to realize I did the first.

Anyway, I just wanted to share some pretty amazing stuff that went on today, so, please put on your seat belt and hang on for the ride.

I was awaken by a phone call at precisely 9.45am this morning(Wednesday). The moment I saw an unfamiliar number, I jumped out of bed and slapped myself awake before I answered. True to what I had expected, it was a call in response to my application for a job! I was overjoyed! This really nice lady named Mas asked me some questions and told me to go down for an interview tomorrow. We scheduled one at 11.15am. Place? Somewhere in Paya Labar.

Wow, when I checked the place up on the internet, it seemed like a double bonus. I knew the area by sight.

About an hour later, I received a call from yet another unfamiliar number. This time, I jumped up from the floor. HOLy... It was another job interview. This time, it was scheduled 4pm tomorrow. Place? Somewhere in Tanjong Pagar. You can surely imagine my excitement already.

Those weren't the only calls I recieved though. Before lunchtime, I had a grand total of 4 calls. Three of which regarding job interviews and one from Recruit Express asking me for a career consulting session. Man, at that point of time I was sure I had hit a huge Jackpot!!! I was silently joking that GOD actually do read blogs, cos a day after I posted my difficulty in job hunting, I got so many calls.

I happily went and prepared the documents I would need, as well as a nice, neat haircut. Yes, it's shorter again.

Before I went for dinner, I got another call from the ever polite Mas, asking if I was confirmed for tomorrow's interview. Of course I said yes.

After dinner, Ben drove me around the place of the first interview, trying to help me get my bearings in case I got lost. When I got home, I went and searched up both addresses again. However, instead of directions to the places, I found to my horror that I might have walked into a trap worse than death itself.

Apparently, the three companies calling me for interviews were all part of the same UK-based company. An extensive address search linked me to differently named "companies" using the same three addresses. The worse has yet to be mentioned.
  • A) This job actually involved direct sales, meaning door to door sales as well as in road shows and such.
  • B) No CPF, fully commissioned based salary(so the basic salary of $1800 was fiction).
  • C) The posts/complaints I found stated that three people was interviewed together at one go.(This consisted of job seekers holding Diploma, Degree, O'levels or even ITE certs ).
  • D) The job seekers usually wait for over 1/2hour before they could go in, and interviews can take up to 1hour with them "brainwashing" you to join.
Imagine my horror realizing this... The beautiful truth has been revealed. As I read on to gather the facts, my stomach felt like I have been punched ten times over. Some nice people also commented that those hired on the spot included those whom, to quote word for word, "could not string even two complete sentences in English properly". Another one commented they, having been convinced to turn up for a second interview, arrived to find a group of people dressed in polo tees and bermudas and slippers waiting with trolleys full of products.

After a discussion with my dad and Ben, I have decided to call up in the morning and cancel both interviews scheduled. The risk is way too much to take, and I am not interested in a fully commissioned, not to mention no CPF job.

I'll stop here as I think everyone is tired after this very long rant. Please do excercise caution when agreeing to interviews, my dear friends..

I'll most probably post something tomorrow so do keep that seat belt on!!

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