Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Phew...Let's see...

God, many times I have wondered why I even bother to give a title to any of my blog posts. They hardly make any sense and usually, do not even relate much to the contents whatsoever.

Anyway, this blog has been dead for the past 4 months I think. I am even typing this entry using a new notebook. Yup, the other one finally decided to die on me, first went the CD/DVD drive, then the mouse pad and keyboard got cranky and I decided, enough was enough. It was a good buddy, and had accompanied me faithfully throughout my 3 years of poly, BUT, it DIED on me, so well...

Well, on to my life. I am currently counting down to my work expiry day. It should have been the 8th of Dec 2009, but somehow I got hoodwinked/brainwashed/convinced(just choose one you like, I can't decide which is more suitable in my case) to stay for another month. And that decision was actually made after I danced around the mulberry bush with my bosses for an entire month. I will elaborate more should I meet up with those who do not know the full story, so that I won't bore anyone with the same stuff over and over.

Right now, life is not too kind on me, and I am learning to deal with the adult world, so do forgive me if I act childish when I am outside, cos that's my way of letting loose.(I am only 20, cut me some slack!!!)

Oh Christmas is around the corner, so there's time for some enjoyment yet. I need to think of something for my dad since he has hinted he did not get any Christmas present. He's probably thinking of the Crabtree & Everlyn cookies I gave my mum. I really wanted to do up a tree for him but there doesnt seem to be any time. Maybe I should try to do some decorating, provided I can find any ornaments to do so...:)

Haha, that's all for now folks...will update once I find the time to complete the many tasks on my list. Oh ya, to those spamming my tagbox, can just one person contact me on the meetup thing? I am getting confused as to who is the organiser and whom I should reply!!! Thanks!

God Bless....

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