Thursday, June 28, 2007

Logs of the Days : Start Week

Halo, I m finally blogging again…finally…And it’s gonna be a long long one (keke..).
I have the previous days recorded as well since I m too lazy to blog every night. If you find it tedious, skip to Wednesday’s. Best parts!!
By ‘TODAY’, I mean Thursday, 28TH JUNE 2007.

Let’s get started.

It’s the start of a new term and there aren’t much changes to our schedules. I went to school with a half heart (when is it that I don’t?), though I was a little keen to get back and keep myself busy instead of staying at home and putting on more weight. After Software Eng. Lesson, we handed Wee Sing his present and was “pleasantly” surprised to hear he had already downloaded that DVD from the net. I was like, to hell with it. Just give it to him, don’t really want to care what he does with it anymore (Cos we used a lot of effort and money to buy it ok!! Ya, he dyed his hair and an image of a hedgehog pops up in my mind.). That aside, the four of us headed to Amk to makan. Not bad, since we tired of school food. WAD lesson was the same, and BPO lecture too. We were let off early though, and I claim full credit for that… hehe… cos I was the one to inform Mr Choo we had a test on the next day. (Maybe he did interview others, I have no idea.). Spent the night trying to digest ERP.

Looked forward to Mr Cheong’s lesson and reached school absurdly early. Sat outside the lab and pretended to study while consciously ignoring any lecturers who walked past.(Note that forgetting to listen to your iPOD while studying outside the lab is torture.) Finally, Mr Cheong has realized his folly and has revised his teaching methods for the module. Spent the entire lunch break studying for ERP then headed to lesson early. Got very useful tips from Mr Christopher for the test. Then spent an hour with Xiao Wei memorizing the formulaes. Finally, did the test and have mixed feelings about it. Met hubby for dinner and (grinning cheekily) wanted to fall asleep and let him carry me since he was late and I was too tired. Spent the night studying Cost Accounting and nearly killed all brain cells.

One of the most ridiculous day of my life with a series of entirely unfortunate events. It started uneventfully, other than the fact that I was attempting to do an eEPC diagram with my head full of cobwebs. Lasted through lecture with droopy eyelids and unfocused mind. DID NOT finish the practical as there wasn’t enough time(it was confusing looking and typing in data that was not consistent to that in our books!!). Half the time was spent convincing Xiao Wei about the benefits of eating lunch in school instead of outside(she didn’t have a test to study for, lucky thing!!). Spent lunch time gobbling down my food(indigestion alarm…) and studying for Cost Accounting. The formulaes still don’t make much sense. Did the test with vigor, and handed in the script at exactly 2.49pm so I could avoid waiting till 3pm to hand it in (we were not allowed to leave the theatre 10min before the paper ends). Went out and suddenly wished Xiao Wei was in the same class because I missed having her waiting outside for me. Shin Yi and Chen Sheng did not wait for me!!! DISAPPOINTING!!! Arghh…I did tell them to wait.

Slowly walked to the station to take 76 to work. Busy messaging my hubby on the way complaining about the type of friends I have. Boarded the bus and settled in for a long ride to Parkway. Hehe…started on the book (Title: Go To Hell by Darren Shan) Xiao Wei had loan me. God, I love her!! I told her on Monday to only give it to me on Wednesday and she actually remembered…

When the bus was approaching Parkway, I realized the upper deck was empty, save for me. Went downstairs and saw only two passengers on the lower deck. All three of us disembarked and the uncle drove off with an empty bus (chuckled at the thought). Bought a jacket from Mango, food for my mum and headed to the shop. First thing I did was spill tea all over the fridge (Auntie Pat’s fault!!). Got splashed by her as well when she was pouring the tea into the fridge. Went to take order as my Ah Yee found it too hot to stand in front. She opted to blend instead. Got a faulty cup that spilled tea on me while I was shaking it (third time for the day).
HIGHLIGHT: Was scooping pearls into two cups when I heard something drop from the ceiling. I felt something hit my head and so looked around for it. My mum said there was nothing on the floor and I felt my head and screamed!!! It was some kind of beetle(huge one ok..) and I had felt that clammy texture when I reached above my head. I flicked it off and was so disgusted. Of all the times for it to drop, it couldn’t have picked a better one. ARGhhh… I nearly cried. I still felt its presence on my head after half an hour. YUCKS YUCKS YUCKS!!! I can still hear my mum’s chortles upon looking at my face.

Then we went home and I fell dead asleep after scrubbing my hair out fervently.

NO school, yay!!! Went to Amk Hub to meet Xiao Wei for project. Had lunch at Sticky Rice. Do not wish to try the food there ever again. The fried rice was dry and had no soup to go along with it(no belachan available too…sob sob). It was simple fare that wasn’t worth its money. Maybe I should have tried their Beef Kway Tiao. We walked around Amk Hub and decided not to do project but to go shopping instead. She had a sudden desire to head to Far East plaza and I was quite keen myself. We board the train and I received a message that my hubby was taking time off to see a doctor (he has been sick from the previous day). Worried sick and still am ok. We decided to stop at Bishan and we got lost around the shopping centre (I have not been there for at least 7years). Found nothing much to our fancy and headed for Far East. Received call from hubby and noted he got two days MC. Made sure he had lunch and that he was going to rest (still worried though). Made Xiao Wei try on the clothes she saw and she found one she fancied. Saw Eileen at her working place and waved. I bought a belt to match my formal pants ($5) and Xiao Wei gave in to her sudden desire to wear necklaces and bought one (she claimed I had influenced her). Saw a spaghetti strapped blown out blouse and bought it after trying. Amazingly, Xiao Wei wanted to try it too but did not do so after I had tried it. She is growing up fast man. Came home and had my microwaved spaghetti dinner from 7-11. Fell fast asleep on the sofa while reading. Got a call from hubby and I m glad he sounds better (grinning bucktooth-ee).

Will continue tomorrow. Planning to get my messy hair trimmed. Seriously, even a lion would be ashamed with it. And to lose more weight.

Nitezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… =)

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