Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hazy days begets worse thoughts

Hi hi…good gracious!! I haven’t blogged for so long, I nearly forgot my password to log in. Alas, my memory has reached a certain point that even the term “short-term-memory” is an understatement.

Well, I really dunno if I’ll be able to recall everything that has been happening and I guess everything I type will not be in sequence. Anyway, I have just finished reading the last installment of the Harry Potter series, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. I was trying my best to savor the book slowly, mainly because it’s the last and also because I had projects to finish. Man, the book has the hell of a climatic touch in every page and as my brother put it, I wonder how its gonna be like as a movie.

Other stuff have been on my mind lately and some of it has given me an empty feeling I dislike. Haiz..for some reason, I have been feeling lonely lately and it isn’t for the lack of company. It seems to be a relapse of last time where I withdrew deep into myself. On the surface, I can smile to my friends and find laughter in stuff, but inside I just want to curl up and cry. Perhaps the only time I forget this is when I am with my hubby. Unfinished work has piled up and exams are drawing nearer, but I can’t seem to focus. Listening to certain music though, has brought some comfort to my mind.

Right now… I dunno how to continue and I think I shall leave this to be completed tomorrow…


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