Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Year, New Stuff...

Halo's 2008 already, at least 2 months since my last post. Many many things have happened and it'll take way too long to say it all at once. Just for starters, it's Chinese New Year next week and i am feeling quite elated. My long awaited trip to Bangkok is finally drawing near and i can see myself shopping till i drop!! This only comes once a year and i really want to buy many many stuff. Though i have to study for my exams after i come back, there's another thing to look forward to...MY B'DAY CELEBRATION!!! i am gonna be officially 19 soon and it kinda makes me happy and sad at the same time. Happy cos' i can get presents and sad cos' i am getting, well, too old!!!

Oh ya, my hubby just turned 23 and its really weird how age keep catching up no matter what. Soon, i'll be in my 3rd year of poly and another new beginning awaits. Haiz.. nevermind about that 1st, impt thing is to enjoy now..

okie signing off for the time being...will have another postie soon though!!!

oooooOOOOOOOOOO dreaming of the future OOOOOOOOOooooo

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