Sunday, August 3, 2008

What does the near future hold...?

Just some thoughts I felt like sharing. Hehe, been thinking a lot about my IPP lately. Like how I am going to be able to make it in time to work every morning for three whole months. "Lucky" me got attached to NCS, which is at Ang Mo Kio. Haha, of course, some would remark that I have been going to school there for so long, there's really nothing to complain about. True, but going to school is way different. This is work, I cannot afford to be late and it seems there's only one route I can take to get there.

I wonder if this is another of God's test. I can feel butterflies in my stomach at the mere thought of this attachment. A comforting thought is that I have another classmate with me. But I know it's still gonna be scary for me. There's also one other thing: ATTIRE. I sure hope they will brief us on the rules they have. I know guys would not fret about this because their formal is just that, FORMAL. We girls however, have certain rules to abide.

There's this rule about only skirts allowed for females. My mum did warn me I have to invest in some skirts quick. Please do not think I am superficial, I just want to get these simple things over and done with, so I will be able to concentrate on the work involve. I am such a klutz, God knows how much I can botch things if I am unprepared. I hope I will be able to fit in and make friends as well.

Hell, I'm going to miss lunch breaks with Penny, Clarence, Clayton, Zheng Jie and Zi Jian. (yes, ladies first, then alphabetical order.) To you all, I have really enjoyed your company these past months and I really feel like crying already. You must really think I am mad. Hehe. Can't help it, really happy that I got to know all of you. Don't laugh at me.

I think I'm going to feel it more when I realise two of you are about 15mins walk away from me. Please do not forget me. LOLX.


On happier notes, I finally have one of the necklaces I wanted!! The credit goes to Ben, who took the time and effort to order it from UK. I cannot thank you enough. I really did not expect it. Here, I am smiling that smile you wanted. But I also have tears in my eyes, and I think you know why. I am still thinking of what to wear it with. Don't worry, I have decided to wear it for you first. Just so you know, I am looking forward to the HSM ice tour!!

Oh for those who don't know which one, it's the one with the two dragons and red heart. The red heart really sparkles when a light shines through it!! Man, I am so mesmerized, I cannot believe it's mine. THANK YOU many many times over!!!


Here, I am gonna jump topic again. My exams are around the corner. The last ones gracing my poly years actually. I have like three major ones, and one minor test(Com skills) the coming Wednesday. Going to be meeting Penny tomorrow to study for that.

Then it's IT Services and Management, which sucks because we got the most sleepy time slot: 12.30pm-2.30pm. Man, who sits for exams at that time? Not to mention that we have to walk all the way to the sports hall. And yes, it's on a dreaded Monday!! Perhaps a morning of studying in North canteen is in order. This is followed by Systems Integration two days later, at the joyful time slot: 9.00am-11am, and then IT Security a full week later at the same time slot.

Wow, that looked like one crappy paragraph.

Oh ya, now i finally remember what made me want to blog in the first place. Was looking through this year class photos and felt tears welling up. Hell, I really seem sentimental eh. (or emotional la)

Maybe it's because looking at the class photos brought memories back to the day it was taken, and yes, remembering how everyone was kind enough to stay back for Ee Ling draws another smile. My eyes can't help wandering to a certain spot though. Oh, the picture taken with Penny is stuck in my mind as well.

I think I'm going to end here. Or I'll really burst into tears. Hehe, too many things are blurry in the near future, and everyone of us needs to face them bravely. Yes, that one thing is on my mind constantly. No matter what I do, I cannot get rid of it.


Let one's heart be one's guide...


Unknown said...

You use my name for your blog title ^^
cold instinct is my real name's english translation

Unknown said...

Be pleased to visit my blog,, but it's in Indonesian languages

<...:*"+":,GeRaLDinE,:"+"*:..> said...

First off, i have no idea that anyone uses that for their blog, neither do i noe anyone's name would translate that. for me, cold instinct is like my White tiger, because i work on Cold instinct. hope u don't mind because i'm stickin to it.